My Tickets has been written to be as accessible as I can make it — it uses ARIA live regions to ensure that shopping cart feedback is immediately available to those who need it, uses solid, semantic HTML markup, and considers all the best practices for form labeling. Accessibility is a priority for me, and […]
Continue reading “Accessibility” »Author: Joe Dolson
Add to cart forms
The form to add an event to your cart can be automatically added to any My Calendar event or to any type of post or Page in WordPress. There are plugin settings that impact what will be shown, but in general it will include: A notice indicating any current restrictions. In the shown example, the […]
Continue reading “Add to cart forms” »Adding a new ticket order
If you’re running a box office using any piece of software, it’s important that you’re able to add sales from the back-end. Using My Tickets, there are a number of ways to add new ticket orders as an administrator. You can only process payments by going through the public shopping cart, but if you have […]
Continue reading “Adding a new ticket order” »
Purchase My Tickets: to accept payments using, one of the oldest and best know payment gateways. If you’ve been running your organization online for a long time, you probably already have an account. With this add-on, you can go ahead and handle your payments using your existing processor.
Continue reading “” »Custom CSS
My Tickets provides relatively sparse default styles. These styles are intended to do the minimum necessary to make My Tickets usable, and reasonably attractive as long as the theme doesn’t impose too many changes. My Tickets is intended to be customized. You can add your own styles through your theme, but it’s also very easy […]
Continue reading “Custom CSS” »Custom Field API
If you’re selling tickets, it’s not uncommon that you’ll need to gather some form of custom information. Do you need your customers to check a box verifying that they’re over 18? Do you need to get a phone number for each event? Find out which meal a customer would prefer for lunch? My Tickets supports […]
Continue reading “Custom Field API” »Custom post types
In any post type that you’re allowing to be used to sell tickets for events, you’ll have a section labeled “My Tickets Purchase Data” in a metabox for that post type. By default, it should appear underneath your main content area; although it’s impossible to control exactly where it will sit on that screen from […]
Continue reading “Custom post types” »Customize images on Tickets & Receipts
By default, My Tickets adds its own logo on printable and e-tickets. These logos are easily replaceable. Tickets First, choose which image model to use at My Tickets > Ticket Settings > Miscellaneous > “Image shown on tickets” If you choose the “Featured image on Ticket Page”, then you need to go to edit the […]
Continue reading “Customize images on Tickets & Receipts” »Discounts
Purchase My Tickets: Discounts to support the creation and acceptance of discount codes. With this add-on, you can create custom discount codes to use in promoting your events and providing segmented discounts to groups of your customers. Discount codes are added to the bottom of the shopping cart, and can be applied, removed, and updated. […]
Continue reading “Discounts” »Donations
Purchase My Tickets: Donations to allow ticket purchaser to make a donation while they purchase their tickets. If you’re operating a non-profit organization, event tickets are rarely enough to cover your events on their own; providing the option for users to add a donation to their purchase without requiring a separate checkout process can help […]
Continue reading “Donations” »Editing payments
All payments can be edited after purchase. Not all fields are editable; you can’t change the tickets purchased, total cost, or transaction data, although you can add internal notes if you need to have a record of some issue handled in the purchase. Internal notes are never used on the front-end by My Tickets, and […]
Continue reading “Editing payments” »Extending My Tickets
Buy My Tickets add-ons! My Tickets has a rich set of filters and actions allowing you to easily extend the plug-in and tackle custom behaviors and functions. I also maintain a small library of My Tickets extension examples on Github, including the implementation of custom fields in the ‘Add to Cart’ form and in the […]
Continue reading “Extending My Tickets” »Hooks and Filters
My Tickets uses approximately 110 filters and 5 action hooks. The documentation for these filters and hooks is still in progress, so come back soon!
Continue reading “Hooks and Filters” »Main Settings
The main settings page for My Tickets is where you: set your license key, entitling you to support and updates determine whether to send email as HTML or plain text designate the recipient of administrative email notifications and the sending address for notifications sent to purchasers Write your notification messages for both administrators and purchaser […]
Continue reading “Main Settings” »Mass Email purchasers
It’s sometimes necessary to send an email to everybody who’s purchased a ticket for a particular event. Maybe it’s because there’s a last minute venue change, a cancellation, or a time change – whatever the reason, it’s valuable to be able to send a quick message to everybody coming to an event. For the most […]
Continue reading “Mass Email purchasers” »Notification Messages
Notification messages support twelve default template tags to provide information to your purchasers and administrators. You can add additional notification messages by using the My Tickets custom field api. The content produced by some of these tags is simple strings, but others produce more complicated data. All of the tags automatically toggle their formats depending […]
Continue reading “Notification Messages” »Notifications
There are three cases where email notifications can be sent for any purchase: successful purchases, failed purchases, and refunded purchases. Refunds can only be processed from the payment gateway at this time; there’s no mechanism to refund a purchase from within My Tickets. You’ll need to login to your payment processor to post a refund. […]
Continue reading “Notifications” »Payment process
The payment form re-confirms the shopping cart, but without the options to change the number of tickets or remove a ticket. The payment fields required can vary widely; if the shipping option is enabled, the purchaser’s address will be required. will request the usual credit card information, etc. Credit card numbers are never saved […]
Continue reading “Payment process” »Payment Settings
Payment settings cover all the settings directly related to making payments, unsurprisingly. My Tickets supports offline payment and PayPal standard out of the box. Other gateways are available for purchase. Before you can accept payments, you need to set the currency you want to use for selling tickets. You can also define a percentage discount […]
Continue reading “Payment Settings” »Payments List
The payments list (WordPress Dashboard > Payments) is a pretty straightforward custom post type screen with a few key changes. First, the screen includes the status of the payment, the total value of that shopping cart, and the receipt ID for the cart. Receipt IDs are generated very early on in the process, so even […]
Continue reading “Payments List” »Printable and E-tickets
Printable and E-tickets are fundamentally the same, but the templates are substantially different; e-tickets are designed for use on a mobile device, in particular. Both types of tickets use QR codes for validation, and you can use any QR scanning device (mobile phone app, iPad, etc.) to scan the QR code and go to the […]
Continue reading “Printable and E-tickets” »Quick Cart
The “Quick Cart” shows the number of tickets currently in a visitor’s shopping cart and the total price of their cart, with a link to check out. By default, it looks like this: Like everything else in My Tickets, the default CSS is very spartan, to allow you to customize easily, without needing to override […]
Continue reading “Quick Cart” »Quick Start Guide

To start using My Tickets, follow these steps: Do you create a new Page for events? Then you’ll want to sell Tickets on Pages. Go to My Tickets > Settings. Check off ‘Pages’ in the check boxes for available post types. My Tickets supports any post type, but is not enabled by default. Go to […]
Continue reading “Quick Start Guide” »Receipts
Immediately following a completed cart submission, purchaser will receive a notification from your web site about their purchase. The information included in that notification email is set in settings, but it should always include a link to the purchase receipt. Purchases that were made using an off-line payment type will still receive a receipt link, […]
Continue reading “Receipts” »Reporting
My Tickets offers a variety of basic reports. You can generate reports of sales by date, retrieving all sales occurring between the two selected dates or reports of sales by event, retrieving all sales on that event. Additionally, you can generate a list of tickets sold for an event. This is different from the list […]
Continue reading “Reporting” »Script Resources
My Tickets enqueues a small number of useful scripts you can take advantage of in your theme or custom extension to My Tickets. One that’s particular useful if you’re writing a custom payment gateway is jQuery Payments, the jQuery plug-in by Stripe for validating and handling credit card payment information. Additionally, the AJAX actions used […]
Continue reading “Script Resources” »Shopping Cart
The shopping cart shows a variety of information about the events, including the title, date, and time. If the event came from My Calendar, it’s not always possible to provide a link back to the event, in which case the title will be unlinked. For posts and post types, there will always be a link […]
Continue reading “Shopping Cart” »Shortcodes
There are two key shortcodes available for My Tickets. There’s a basic shortcode to display the ‘Add to Cart’ form for a single event: [ticket event='{ID}’] This shortcode is displayed in the settings when you create a ticketed event, and you can paste it anywhere to render an add to cart form for that event. […]
Continue reading “Shortcodes” »Stripe
Purchase My Tickets: Stripe to use the easy and secure payment gateway as a way for your visitors to use their credit card and make purchases. Stripe is a great platform for handling payments, and is (relatively) easy to set up. (Hey, it’s a payment gateway. None of them are actually easy.)
Continue reading “Stripe” »Templating
There are four areas of My Tickets that are templatable: receipts, tickets, the opt-out form for email notifications, and the ticket verification screen used by ticket-takers. Templates can be customized in the standard WordPress way: take a copy of the file from wp-content/plugins/my-tickets/templates/, place it at the root of your theme directory, and edit it […]
Continue reading “Templating” »Ticket Settings
In the ticket settings, you configure what types of tickets you want to support and the default values new events should use. Types of Tickets My Tickets supports 4 types of tickets: Printable, E-tickets, Postal Mail, and Pick up at box office (or “Will call”). On this page, you can define which of these formats […]
Continue reading “Ticket Settings” »Ticket Types
My Tickets supports four types of tickets: e-tickets, printable, will call, and postal, to try and best integrate with your event work flow. The type of ticket purchased is determined at the time of payment, so it’s not possible to mix and match events and ticket types: all events need to be sold with the […]
Continue reading “Ticket Types” »Using in My Calendar
Using My Tickets integrated into My Calendar is almost identical to using it with a custom post type, except that the event date, event time, and location data is pulled from your My Calendar event instead of from the post. My Tickets and Recurring Events At this time, I don’t recommend that you use My […]
Continue reading “Using in My Calendar” »Waiting List
You’re busily selling tickets for your event, and – bang! You’re all sold out! That’s awesome. But we all know that things change! People cancel their tickets, they want to change to another date, and suddenly your sold out event has 10 spots available. With the My Tickets Waiting List extension, as soon as your […]
Continue reading “Waiting List” »Will-call lists
If you’re selling tickets by multiple methods, or you like to offer the option to your attendees to simply be checked off on a list or pick up their tickets at the event, then you’ll find a will-call list to be valuable. My Tickets can produce two different types of will-call lists, both produced by […]
Continue reading “Will-call lists” »