If you’re running a box office using any piece of software, it’s important that you’re able to add sales from the back-end. Using My Tickets, there are a number of ways to add new ticket orders as an administrator. You can only process payments by going through the public shopping cart, but if you have […]
Continue reading “Adding a new ticket order” »Category: Box Office Management
Editing payments
All payments can be edited after purchase. Not all fields are editable; you can’t change the tickets purchased, total cost, or transaction data, although you can add internal notes if you need to have a record of some issue handled in the purchase. Internal notes are never used on the front-end by My Tickets, and […]
Continue reading “Editing payments” »Mass Email purchasers
It’s sometimes necessary to send an email to everybody who’s purchased a ticket for a particular event. Maybe it’s because there’s a last minute venue change, a cancellation, or a time change – whatever the reason, it’s valuable to be able to send a quick message to everybody coming to an event. For the most […]
Continue reading “Mass Email purchasers” »Payments List
The payments list (WordPress Dashboard > Payments) is a pretty straightforward custom post type screen with a few key changes. First, the screen includes the status of the payment, the total value of that shopping cart, and the receipt ID for the cart. Receipt IDs are generated very early on in the process, so even […]
Continue reading “Payments List” »Reporting
My Tickets offers a variety of basic reports. You can generate reports of sales by date, retrieving all sales occurring between the two selected dates or reports of sales by event, retrieving all sales on that event. Additionally, you can generate a list of tickets sold for an event. This is different from the list […]
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