In any post type that you’re allowing to be used to sell tickets for events, you’ll have a section labeled “My Tickets Purchase Data” in a metabox for that post type. By default, it should appear underneath your main content area; although it’s impossible to control exactly where it will sit on that screen from a plug-in.
When you click on the checkbox to have sales on this post, the full set of sales options will open:
This form differs only slightly from what you get when using My Calendar, because in My Calendar the date, time, and location information is pulled from the event. When creating a ticketed event from a post type, however, you need to define that information here.
It is possible to display the event date and time for a custom post type, since they’re saved in standard custom post fields. You can do that using My Tickets by using the simple shortcode [ticket_data type=’date’]. It accepts three values: date, time, and location, depending on what you choose to display.
Location is only available by default if you also have My Calendar installed; it pulls locations from the My Calendar Locations database table. You don’t need to be using My Calendar to take advantage of this, other than as a means to store your location data.
For advanced users, you can also write a custom function to map another set of location data into a format that My Tickets will understand using the ‘mt_create_location_object’ filter, and define a function called ‘mc_location_select’ that provides the dropdown menu to choose your locations.
The other options for creating events are as follows:
- Allow sales until x hours before the event – Set an amount of time prior to the event when you no longer want sales to be possible. It’s always possible to add another sale when you’re logged in as an administrator.
- Allow multiple tickets/ticket type per purchaser – Purchasers can buy multiple tickets for an event – (e.g. 2 adult tickets and one child) in a single cart purchase. If disabled, purchasers can buy only one ticket for an event. Instead of a text input to choose a number of events, they will see a checkbox to select a ticket.
- Total Tickets Available – For “continuous” purchase types, this is the total number of tickets available.
- Ticket Prices and Availability – Shows the labels and prices as well as the number of tickets sold. For tickets using “discrete” counting, the number of tickets available will be a text field and the “Total Tickets Available” field will not be displayed.
- Type of Sale – This simply toggles the language in use for add to cart forms. E.g. “Buy a Ticket” vs. “Register”
- Ticket Counting Method – Effects whether tickets are counted as a single total or per section.
- Don’t display form on event – You can use the ‘ticket’ shortcode to customize where your order form is displayed. If you’re using this in the event post, you may no also want to see the default form.