There are two key shortcodes available for My Tickets. There’s a basic shortcode to display the ‘Add to Cart’ form for a single event:

[ticket event='{ID}']

This shortcode is displayed in the settings when you create a ticketed event, and you can paste it anywhere to render an add to cart form for that event. You don’t need to use it on the event page itself, although you certainly can.

The second shortcode is for displaying a collection of tickets:

[tickets events='14,29,38' template='<h3>{post_title}: {event_begin format="l, F d"}</h3><p>{post_excerpt}</p>']

This shortcode will render the add to cart forms for the IDs provided, using the template provided. The example above is the default, and is what you’ll see if you don’t use the template attribute. The registration form itself will appear after the templated data. The entire output will be wrapped in a div element with the class mt-event-item.