Immediately following a completed cart submission, purchaser will receive a notification from your web site about their purchase. The information included in that notification email is set in settings, but it should always include a link to the purchase receipt.
Purchases that were made using an off-line payment type will still receive a receipt link, but in the ‘Payment’ section of the receipt, it will indicate that the payment has not yet been completed. Once you mark the purchase as Completed in the Payments section of the WordPress admin, the receipt will include those payment details.
The text “Add your business name and address to the post content” is customized by editing the WordPress Page My Tickets creates for your receipts. This is recommend content, standard for a receipt; but you can add any information you need onto your receipts.
Receipts can be extensively customized using theme template files. The templating in My Tickets includes a library of templating functions that you can use in your receipt or ticket templates.