By default, My Tickets adds its own logo on printable and e-tickets. These logos are easily replaceable.
First, choose which image model to use at My Tickets > Ticket Settings > Miscellaneous > “Image shown on tickets”
- “Featured image on Ticket Page” will use the featured image you choose on your tickets page. (WordPress > Pages > [ticket page])
- “Featured image on event” will use the featured image from the event the ticket is for.
If you choose the “Featured image on Ticket Page”, then you need to go to edit the page used as a base for tickets and add a featured image there.
The tickets page is the one selected as the “Tickets page” at the bottom of the Payment Settings page.
If you choose “Featured image on event”, then you’ll need to add a featured image to each post you use for ticket sales. If no image is assigned to that event, it’ll use the featured image on the Tickets post or fall back to the default image.
You can customize the image on receipts pages by adding a featured image to the page used as a base for Receipts, as configured in the ‘Receipt page’ settings at the bottom of the Payment Settings page.