The shortcode generator is located under My Calendar > Shortcodes
. You can use the shortcode generator to create shortcodes for the Main, Upcoming, and Today shortcodes.
These are the most commonly used events displays, but there are several other shortcodes available:
- Calendar filters
- Locations list
- Calendar event
- Happening now
- Happening next
There are a few other older shortcodes that still exist, but are no longer supported.
The general Calendar. Will show the default calendar view based on the selections in the Main tab screen. You can also go directly to the backend My Calendar page and modify the shortcodes seen on the bottom in the meta boxes.

Content Filters
Categories to display. Select All or specific categories to display.
Location filter type. Select a specific location area to filter by.
Location values. Fill in a specific value.
Search keyword. Shows events containing a specific keyword.
Navigation keywords that can be used separated by commas in the “Navigation above calendar” and “Navigation below calendar” fields.
toggle – Switch between list and grid views
timeframe – Toggle between day, week, and month view
jump – Jump to any other month/year
nav – Primary Previous/Next Buttons
calendar – The calendar
key – Categories
print – Link to printable view
feeds – iCal Subscription Links
exports – iCal Subscription Links
locations – Location (dropdown)
categories – Categories (dropdown)
access – Access (dropdown)
search – Search
The attributes will show up in the order they are listed. To remove all navigation add “none”. My Calendar will show the default settings if no attributes are added.
Defaults can be configured in the Settings > Display screen.
Author & Host Filters
Limit by Author.
Limit by Host.
Formatting & Timeframe
Format. Choose from Grid, List or Mini.
Time Segment. Month, Next Month, Week, Day
Months to show in list view. Select the amount of months to be seen in list view.
Initial Date Shown
Select the start date of events going forward.
Year. By Default or the next 5 years.
Month. By Default or a specific month.
Day. By Default or from 1 to 31.
Upcoming events you can show events coming up in the future, or include past events.

How todays events are seen.