Display Settings is located under My Calendar > Settings > Display.

Main Display Settings: view titles, fields shown in different views.


Event title (Grid) {time}: {title}

Example with adding in the word “Event Title” into the Event title (Grid) field.
I added shortcode: {time} Event Title: {title}

Frontend view:

My Calendar > Settings > Text > Event title (Grid). Frontend view.


Event title (Single) {title}

Example with adding in the word “Event Single Title: ” into the Event title (Single) field. I added the shortcode: Event Single Title: {title}

Frontend view:

My Calendar > Settings > Text > Event Title (Single). Frontend view.


Event title (List) {title}

Example with adding in the word “Event List Title” into the Event title (List).
I added the shortcode: Event List Title: {title}

Frontend view:

My Calendar > Settings > Text > Event title (List). Frontend view.

These are the changes I made:

My Calendar > Settings > Text - Templating fields.
My Calendar > Settings > Text – Templating fields.

Event Display Fields

The series of check boxes gives you the ability to display or hide a variety of different fields directly in the frontend for Single Event, Calendar Popup/List View, and Mini Calendar Popup.

Settings for Single Event, Main View (Popup or List) and Mini Calendar Popup.

Choose fields to show in the various frontend views. Adjusting the templates can override these settings. Unclicking/Unsetting all the values will bring back the default values.

Single Event

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Single Event

Default frontend fields for the Single Event.

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Single Event. (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

Main View (Popup or List)

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Main View (Popup or List)

Default frontend view for the Main View: Popup.

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display – Main View – Popup. (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

Default frontend view for the Main View: List.

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Main View – List (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

Mini Calendar Popup

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Mini Calendar Popup

Default frontend view for the Mini Calendar Popup.

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Mini Calendar Popup. (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

Clicking the event the Mini Calendar Popup.

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Event Display Fields – Mini Calendar Popup is open. (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

Calendar Navigation

Update calendar layout
Define a default layout for calendars. Use the arrow icons to move fields up or down or use drag and drop to rearrange the order these are seen in. Click the eye to hide fields. These settings will be overridden if you customize the field settings in the My Calendar shortcodes.

My Calendar > Display > Calendar Links and Update calendar layout

Default Frontend view containing one event:

My Calendar > Settings > Display. Viewing default calendar layout on frontend. (Theme: Twenty Twenty One.)

View Options

How many months of events to show at a time: Sets how many months will be shown at one time by the main calendar shortcode in list, grid, and mini view. Also configurable via the shortcode.

Grid Options

Calendar Links

Open links as a pop-up
Opens a pop-up card and one can click “Read more” to continue to the single event view.

Open event links in single event view
Bypasses the pop-up card and goes straight to the single event. Improves performance with large numbers of events.

Disable calendar links
This option will disable all event links in the main calendar. Useful for a minimal-information view.

Mobile View: Adjusts how the calendar will be rendered on mobile devices. It can switch to list view, switch to mini calendar view, or have no change.

Show Weekends on Calendar: If enabled, Saturday and Sunday (weekend days) will be included in the calendar grid.

List Options

Show the first event’s title and the number of events that day next to the date. In the list view, the toggle to expand events for a day is normally just the current date. Use this to show more information.

Show all event titles next to the date. Instead of just showing the first event, show all event titles for the date.

Mini Calendar Options

Target link for mini calendar dates – This URL is the destination you want links from the mini calendar to use.

Link action for mini calendar: Event pop-up, daily view page (above), in-page anchor on main calendar page (list), in-page anchor on main calendar page (grid).

My Calendar > Settings > Display – Grid Options – List Options – Mini Calendar Options.

Next: My Calendar > Settings > Input.