Calendar Add Event is located under My Calendar > Add Event.

When you create a new event in My Calendar, you are creating one primary record in the database, with one start date and time and one set of event details.

My Calendar > Add Event

The Add Event screen is fairly long so that I will be splitting up the sections into smaller parts.

Event title
Event description

Description is the main event content area where you can add text, video, image information about the event.

Event – title and description.


You are able to select to show an excerpt in the event popup or other places. The excerpt is meant to give a short overview of the event.

Event – Excerpt


Select the General category or create new category/categories for your event by clicking the + Add Categories button.

Event – Categories

Insert the name and click Add Category.

Event – add new category

Defining a Primary Category.

Choosing a primary category sets which icon or category color will be used for an event when multiple categories are assigned.

Event – Primary Category

In the above example, I have added three categories Travel, Spain and Summer. I have to update the event to have these newly created categories show up in the Primary Category drop down.

Event – Selecting Primary Category

I can now select Travel category as the Primary Category for this event. The other categories become secondary.

Date and Time

Start Time and End Time of the event.
Date and End Date (optional) if needed.

Event – Date and Time

Instead of adding a Start and End Time you can click the All day event. Here you can rename the Time label and Hide end time if you choose to do so.

Event – All day event feature

Date and Time + Add Copy

By clicking + Add Copy the add copy screen is seen and one copy of the event is added. Here one can add additional copies of the event, adjusting the date and time as is needed. The result is that all the events are added to an Event Group and connected to each other.

Event – Date and Time + Add Copy.

Click the links for more documentation for + Add Copy or information about Event Groups.

Repetition Pattern

With Repetition Pattern one can create a pattern of how often the single event is repeated. Starting from the first event and ending at the date “Repeat Until” field. I have included a separate documentation page for Repetition Pattern, where you can learn more about getting the most out of this feature.

Event – Repetition Pattern

The featured image is available in the pop-up card and in the single event card. If your theme supports featured images, your theme’s images will take precedence over the My Calendar single event template.

Event – Featured Image

Event Details

Host – The frontend will show an avatar if available and the words: “Hosted by (username)”
More Information – The frontend will show a “More information” link. The text can be changed under Settings > Text.

Event – Event Details

Event Location

Select an event location from the location drop down. (None are seen in the following screenshot, as I have not yet made a location.)

Event – Event Location

For sites with many locations (more than 90), the drop down is replaced with an autocomplete search form.

My Calendar > Add Event > Event Location > Location drop down

Event Location – Add a new location

Click the “+ Add a new location” button to open up the fields to add a new location. The checkbox Copy new location will add the location to the Locations screen.

Event – Event Location Add a new location

Fill in the information you need for your event.


Click the check boxes to select accessible options for your event. These will also be seen on the frontend events screen.

Accessibility features include audio description, ASL interpretation, Deaf-Blind ASL, and many other options.
Event – Accessibility

Registration Settings

Add a link to an URL where users can get tickets for your events. The frontend will by default show a “Buy Tickets” link. Add additional text information related to tickets.

Event – Registration Settings

Check out my plugin My Tickets if you need additional registration or need to sell tickets. It integrates with My Calendar to handle ticket sales.

Next: Events -> My Events -> Click the title of an event to Edit Event.