My Tickets discount codes support a range of features you can use to control amounts and usage. They can be limited by date ranges, scope, and by number of allowed usages. Discount Code Fields
Continue reading “Create a Discount Code” »Documentation
Discount Code Label
The default label for adding a discount code is ‘Add a discount code’. This text can be changed at My Tickets > Discount Codes to better match the way you wish to market your discounts.
Continue reading “Discount Code Label” »Discount Codes in Reports
Discount codes used will appear in standard My Tickets reports.
Continue reading “Discount Codes in Reports” »Discount Codes on Receipts
The discount code used will appear on the purchase receipt:
Continue reading “Discount Codes on Receipts” »Managing Discount Codes
Your discount codes will be listed in the admin at My Tickets > Discount Codes, and can be edited or deleted from there. Editing or deleting discount codes will not change past purchase or any accounting references within the plug-in. However, deleting or modifying a code while it’s being used (e.g., between the time a […]
Continue reading “Managing Discount Codes” »Using Discount Codes
When a user applies a discount code, it will usually be immediately applied to their cart. If they change or update their cart, the discount code will be applied to any changes made as well. Only one discount code can be applied at a time. If the user wishes to use a different discount code, […]
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