Add Repetition Pattern is located under My Calendar > Add Event > Repetition Pattern.
Add Event screen.
Here are some examples of how to use the Repetition Pattern.
Frequency: 1
Period: Daily
Repeat Until: 2021-11-12
The event will be repeated from the initial selected event date of e.g 2021-11-05 and up to 2021-11-12. Resulting in 7 events being seen on the frontend.
Changing the Pattern Frequency.
Here is another example. This time I am changing the frequency from 1 to 2.
As the notification says: “Every 2 weeks until 2021-12-04”
The event is repeated every second week until 4th of December.
Edit event screen
After having added a Repetition Pattern in the Add Event screen one can modify the dates in the Edit event screen. Here is an example from earlier when I added a daily event from November 5th until November the 13th. By clicking the View scheduled dates I get an overview of each date the event will be held. I can Delete or Edit en event and even add another date.
This makes it very flexible to use Repetition Pattern in the Add Event screen and then following up in the edit event screen to modify the event dates. One can totally change the repeated dates for the specific event.
Scheduled dates are not seen in the backend as these are linked to one event. The events are only seen in the View scheduled dates in the backend and as regular events in the frontend calendar.
The following documentation shows an example with using + Add Copy and Repetition Pattern.