Scripts is located under My Calendar > Design > Scripts.

Screenshot showing the 'Scripts' tab selected on the Design screen. Shows options to adjust Grid, List, and Mini calendar view scripts.

Disabling scripts will break calendar interactions. This feature is intended for advanced users who wish to provide their own custom scripting.

Script Manager

Insert scripts on these pages (comma separated post IDs)
Find the ID for the WordPress page the calendar is on and add it into the field. This will restrict scripts from loading on other pages.

Grid JS

Disable: No JS will be run. Unless also disabled, the event popup in the calendar will automatically show the popup containing an event. Disable the popup by selecting a link action for Calendar Links under Settings > Display.

Modal: Open the Event popup in a modal dialog. Contains the event selected. (Available since My Calendar 3.4.)

Disclosure: Open the Event popup in a constrained disclosure widget. Default option until My Calendar 3.5.

List JS

Disable: No JS will be run. Events will be expanded in the List view.

Modal: Open the Date popup in a modal dialog. The Date popup contains all events scheduled for that date.

Disclosure: Expand the events in the list below the selected date.

Mini JS

Disable: No JS will be run. Unless also disabled, the date popup in the calendar will automatically show the popup containing all events for that date. Disable the popup by selecting a link action for the mini calendar under Settings > Display.

Modal: Open the Date popup in a modal dialog. The Date popup contains all events scheduled for that date.

Disclosure: Open the Date popup in a constrained disclosure widget.

Disable AJAX

By default, all navigation actions on the main calendar views are performed using AJAX. When disabled, all navigation will trigger a new page load.