Submissions Settings is located under My Calendar > My Calendar Pro > Submissions.

My Calendar Pro Settings Submissions
My Calendar Pro Settings Submissions

Event Submissions Settings

No pending events/Review pending events
When there is one or more draft events. “No pending events” will change to “Review pending” events. By default, events submitted via the public submission forms are assigned “Pending” status, and require approval for publication. The Review pending events link will point to the My Calendar Events Management Drafts screen with “Pending” events shown.

Event submissions page
Will link to your currently defined submissions form. It’s not required to use the primary submissions form, but if you’re offering front-end event editing, then you will need this form to support all of the front-end eligible fields. Set the ID for your event submissions form page in the “Event Submission Page ID” field.

Event editing page
Event submissions can also be edited on the front-end if your users are logged-in. Event editing is not available for users without a log-in. Set the ID for your event editing form page in the “Event Editing Page ID” field.

Create new submissions forms
Although a basic shortcode is automatically created when you install the plugin, you may want to customize it. This link goes to the shortcode generator so that you can configure the settings for your submission form.

Event Submission Page ID
Adjust the Page ID and/or edit the “Submit Events” page.

Event Editing Page ID
Adjust the Page ID and/or edit the “Edit Events” page.

Date Format hint
What date format is used in the My Calendar date selector.

Time format hint
What time format is used in the My Calendar time selector.

Use AJAX form submission
As of My Calendar 3.0.0, submitting dynamically using AJAX is the default. If you wish to disable this, you can do so. If you’ve upgraded from an earlier version, you can enable AJAX here.

Prevent Conflicting Events
If checked, My Calendar: Submissions will reject event submissions that conflict with a previously scheduled event (in the same location, when location information is being submitted as well.)

Allow public event submitters to upload images
If checked, submitters will be able to upload images to your site for their event image when that field is included in your form. Otherwise, they must provide a URL to the image.

Automatically publish submitted events
Normally, all events are expected to go through approval. If you want them to just go immediately to the calendar, however, you can allow all events to be automatically approved.

By default, any events submitted by users who already have permission to post events to the calendar will be automatically approved. E.g., if you publish an event from the front-end form while logged-in as an administrator, that event will be immediately published.

Public Submission Required Fields

Required fields will be added to any form that does not include them.

Event Submission Permissions

General public, logged-in users or Users with the “mc_add_events” capability.