When you create a new event, automatically cross post it to your blog as a post.

Enable Blog New Events by checking ‘Copy new events as posts’

Blog New Event Settings

Settings for templating & timing your blog posts.

The settings for blogging new events are all about mapping your event data to become a post.

Blog Post Content: What content from your event should get submitted as the post content? Options include the event description alone, the entire event content, or custom text entered at event creation.

Blog Post Excerpt: What to create as the post excerpt.

Blog Post Title: Use the event title, or pass a custom format (that can include a template tag for the event title.)

Custom Title Format: A custom format to post to your blog, e.g. “Event Scheduled: {title}”

Custom Post Excerpt or Content: A custom format to post to your blog including template tags from the event, but with original formatting or copy included.

Blog Post Author: Customize the author used for the post.

Blog Post Status: Publish immediately, or post as in an unpublished format for further editing.

Use post permalink for Event URL: Set the link in the Event settings to this blog post.

Post Type: Publish as a post type other than a blog post.

Post publish date: Manipulate the date of the post in relation to the event.

Custom Post Time: Sets a specific time for the post that’s different from the event’s published date. (E.g., if you want an event on your calendar immediately, but want the post published at a scheduled time the next day.)