Stripe is a powerful payment infrastructure that’s secure, easy to configure, and easy to use. To start using Stripe with My Tickets, you’ll first need to set up an account with Stripe, then obtain your Stripe API keys for set up inside My Tickets.

In order to use Stripe successfully, your site must be configured over https with a valid SSL certificate.

Stripe Settings in My Tickets

Stripe gateway settings: API keys and modes.

Stripe offers two modes: production and test. In test mode, no transactions will actually be charged.

To view testing data and obtain your test API keys, switch the Stripe dashboard into test mode.

Test mode toggle on the Stripe dashboard.

The field ‘Gateway Selector label’ will change how a front-end purchaser selects the gateway. By default, it will say ‘Stripe’, but you can use this field to change it to ‘Credit Card’ or any other desirable term.

Configuring Webhooks

Stripe webhooks are required in order for Stripe to send payment completion information back to your website or to process refunds.

My Tickets can configure webhooks for you automatically. When you first save your API keys, My Tickets will attempt to contact Stripe and set up an API key for your site.

The API key created will be tied to the URL of the site you’re on. If you move your site to a new domain (such as from a development to a production environment), then you’ll need to create a new webhook. You can generate a new webhook by checking the box “Update Webhooks” under the API key fields.

Webhooks must point to your current domain and be on an https connection in order to work in production. Test mode will function without SSL.