Categories is located under My Calendar > Categories
Category Editor
Category Name
Add a new category name.
Select a color which will optionally show up in the calendar on the frontend.
Category Icon
Search for an icon. Write two letters or more and see which icons that show up. Here is an example. Click the icon to use it.
Private (logged-in users only)
Click this checkbox if you want to add a category only for logged in users.
The default category is automatically selected when no category is selected for an event.
If you have events that stretches over time than clicking Holiday will skip the holidays.
Category List
ID number – The ID number for each category. The ID will for instance be used in a shortcode.
Category Name – The list can be sorted by ID or Name.
Events – shows how many events are using each category.
Private – If Yes, the category is only seen by logged-in users. If No, it will be seen by everyone.
Icon – shows the selected icon (if Hide Category Icons is not checked).
Color – shows the hex color code.
Category Settings
Hide category colors
Hides the color.
Title text color
Will add the color to the title text.
Title background color
will add the color into the event background seen in the calendar.
Hide Category icons
will hide the icon from the Category List as well as on the Calendar on the frontend.
Quick Edit
Hovering over a category in the Category List will show quick edit options.
Edit – Editing a category will make it possible to change a name, color, icon if it is Private, Default or Holiday.
Set as Default – Set as Default will make the selected category the default for any event where one has not selected a category.
Delete – Delete category.
To learn more about Category icons see our documentation.