
A theme in dark grays and blacks with light text and dark blue highlighting.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – dark.css


These styles provide a minimal degree of styling, allowing most theme defaults to be dominant.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – inherit.css


A light-colored theme almost entirely in whites and light grays with black text.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – light.css


Default theme for versions 1.5 through 1.8.9. It’s largely in white, light blues and greens, with dark text.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – my-calendar.css


Blue and white with gradient effects. Default theme from version 1.9 through 2.2.13.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – refresh.css


Largely grayscale, but supports any combination and order of navigation elements, unlike previous themes. Default theme with version 2.3.24.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – twentyfifteen.css


Largely grayscale, but larger and bolder with more whitespace than other themes. Default theme with version 2.3.

My Calendar > Design > Style Editor – twentyfourteen.css