Importer is located under My Calendar > My Calendar Pro > Importer.

Import Events Settings
Restrict event import by time
If you have an import file that contains a wide range of events, you can restrict your import to a subset of those events based on date.
- Ignore events in the past
- Ignore events more than a month in the past
- Ignore events more than a year in the past
Import Events from iCal format (.ics)

Import to Category
If you’re importing an iCal source from a URL, you can assign the events from this URL to a specific category in your calendar. The iCal format doesn’t include any native data that can be used as a category.
Import Events from CSV
A .csv file, or comma separated values file, offers a significantly more flexible way of importing events than the standardized iCal format (.ics). While .ics files are standardized, they’re also quite limited in how they’re structured and what information can be included.
The only absolutely required fields are event_title
and event_begin
, but you can also automatically generate categories and locations from your CSV import file.
Your CSV file must have a header row that includes the field names as listed below, e.g. “event_id,event_title,event_begin”. The header row will be used to map values to My Calendar’s data structures.
Supported CSV Fields
(string): Titleevent_begin
(string): Starting Dateoccur_begin
(string): Starting Dateevent_end
(string): Ending Dateoccur_end
(string): Ending Dateevent_time
(string): Starting Timeevent_endtime
(string): Ending Timecontent
(string): Descriptionevent_desc
(string): Descriptionevent_short
(string): Excerptevent_link
(string): External event URLevent_link_expires
(int): Link expiration (0 or 1; 1 means the link will expire after the event.event_recur
(string): Recurring frequency period: S – single, D – day, E – weekdays, W – weekly, M – month/date, U – month/day, Y – year.event_repeats
(string or int): Number of repetitions or date to repeat until. 4 = event repeats 4 times, for a total of 5 occurrences. 2022-05-25 means “repeats until May 25th, 2022”.event_every
(int): Recurrence frequency multiplier. event_recur = D and 3 == every 3 days, event_recur = W and 2 == every two weeks.event_image
(string): Event Image URLevent_allday
(int): Event is all-day (0 or 1)event_author
(int): Author IDevent_approved
(int): Publishing status (0: draft, 1: published, 2: trashed)event_category
(string or int): Category Name or IDcategory_color
(string): Category Color (hexadecimal triplet with ‘#’)category_icon
(string): Category Iconcategory_private
(int): Category Privacy status (1 if private)event_fifth_week
(int): Omit week 5 recurrences (1 to omit)event_holiday
(int): Cancel on Holidays (1 to cancel)event_group_id
(int): Event Group IDevent_span
(int): Event spans multiple days (0 or 1)event_hide_end
(int): Hide end date (0 or 1)event_status
(int): Event Status (0: draft, 1: published, 2: trashed) – alias for event_approvedevent_flagged
(int): Event Flagged as Spam (0 or 1)event_tickets
(string): Event Tickets Linkevent_registration
(string): Event Registration Infoevent_host
(int): Event Host ID (User ID, or post ID if configured in misc. settings)event_access
(string): Event Accessibility Data (a serialized array)location_preset
(int): Location IDevent_label
(string): Location Labelevent_street
(string): Location Streetevent_street2
(string): Location Street (2)event_city
(string): Location Cityevent_state
(string): Location Stateevent_postcode
(string): Location Postcodeevent_region
(string): Location Regionevent_country
(string): Location Countryevent_url
(string): Location URLevent_phone
(string): Location Phone Numberevent_phone2
: Alternate Location Phoneevent_longitude
(float): Location longitude (event_latitude
(float): Location latitudeevent_zoom
(int): Map zoom levelevent_location
(int): Location ID in locations table – assign a location to the eventUID
(string): Unique event ID. If an event exists with this UID already, it will be updated instead of added.event_added
(string): Date this event was added to source calendar
- Category name, color, icon, and privacy fields are only applied if the value passed in
does not already exist. If a category name is supplied that is already present, the category will not be updated to match. - Event Approval status is only managed when an imported event is being updated.
Remote import frequency
When importing events by URL, you can set a regular import schedule. This is useful for importing from sources that update periodically. As long as the import source includes a unique ID field, you won’t have to worry about importing duplicate events.
The import frequencies are based on your existing cron schedules, so they may vary, but the default frequencies are:
- One time import
- Once Weekly
- Once Monthly
- Once Hourly
- Twice Daily
- Once Daily
Scheduled Imports
In the “Remote import frequency” drop down. Selecting Once Weekly/Monthly/Hourly/Daily or Twice Daily. Opens the Scheduled Imports. Here is an example from selecting Once Weekly.

When you schedule an event import, the first automatic import will be scheduled for the future at the end of the current interval. To get the current events, complete the import in the same way you would for a one-time import. If you do not complete the one-time import, the schedule will still be established.
Individual scheduled imports can be deleted, but not edited.